Tuesday, April 29, 2014

20 weeks - Halfway there

4/17/14 -- Hard to believe 20 weeks of this pregnancy has flown by! The last few months have been busy getting the nursery prepared, reading parenting books, and trying to manage hormone changes and eating habits. Dana has been loving the small punches and kicks from the inside, and Alex has even been able to feel some of the movement. The best part - getting to see the little munchkin at our ultrasound :)  Makes us even more excited to meet you, little one. 

A belly "selfie" for those interested in watching the growing tummy.

Baby Wieme at 20 week ultrasound :) 
This 3-D image is a bit "alien-ish" but he/she is adorable anyway :)


Sharing the news with our families that we are expecting our first child was so fun! 

Photo taken on our "honeymoon" in Cabo San Lucas, 2/26/14-3/3/14. We announced our pregnancy when we got back home.

(Videos taken on 2/22/14 & 2/23/14)
Alex's parents were given instructions for putting the crib together, and Dana's parents and sister were given books for them to read to Baby W when he/she gets here :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

12/28/13 - Life changing moment

A few short days after Christmas, Dana was "late" and decided to take a pregnancy test. These tests are weird and hard to read for some reason. Two lines, a plus sign, two different windows to look at.... I don't know. But once Alex was called in to help decipher the results, reality hit. It's positive. It's positive. Oh my it's positive. And the tears came running. Happy tears. Scared tears. Oh my gosh this is crazy, tears. We took the rest of the afternoon to soak up the idea of being parents and went to St John's for a walk in the woods with our baby girl, Reba, soon to be big sister.