Monday, December 1, 2014

3 Months Old

Jack hit the 3 month mark and started rolling over from tummy to back -- he did it twice in a row but only sporadically since then. Just his style :)

He loves chewing on his hands, has made some new friends at daycare, and cannot decide what his nighttime sleep schedule should be. 

He is the cutest little guy -- pictures below for proof :)

playing in his gym :)

monkey towel - warming up to bath time

Biggest smile!!

Snuggled in his carseat

3 months old and growing, growing, growing

Monday, November 3, 2014

2 months have flown by

It's official. We have a 2 month old. Look out!
Jack weighs 11 lbs, 10 oz and is 23" long 
Growing like crazy and changing every day.

We lay him next to the putter for growth reference each month. Check out last month's post to see how he's grown.

Isn't he the cutest?? We think so :)

Fall is here

Jack's first pumpkin picking adventure

Followed by carving them

And then trick-or-treating... sort of ;) as a skeleton, and then when it got cold, as a jack-o-lantern.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Newborn photos

Just 10 days after Jack was born, we had a photographer over to the house to take some newborn photos of Jack. Here are a few of our favorites from the shoot. 
(photo credit to Sarah Pollio Photography)

Jack in his crib

All snuggled :)

Mom's favorite :) Jack in Dad's hands

Family photo

Couldn't get his paci away from him without him crying

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We have a 1 month old...

Jack in comparison to Daddy's putter - watch him grow over the next year

Not so sure how he feels about being 1 month old :)

Somehow, our little Jack Man is 1 month old. Where has the time gone!? According to Mom's measurements at home, Jack weighs in at 8 pounds 9.5 oz, and is 21.5" long. Quite the growth spurt from his birth measurements. He is more and more alert each day, still giving us a run for our money at night, and we fall a little bit more in love with him each day, if that is possible. He loves snuggling with Mom, Dad, and anyone who will hold him, taking Reba for walks in the stroller or the Moby wrap, and has been taking bottles from Dad occasionally. He has been a good eater and loves his paci. He has mastered the swaddle wrap and somehow manages to get his arms free every night. We have our hands full with this one :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's a BOY!!

8/31/14 -- Welcome to the world Jack Michael Wieme

After a nice dinner date with Alex on Friday night (8/29/14), my water broke at home around 12:45AM. We arrived at the hospital around 1:30AM and were admitted. Because I was not having contractions, they had us walk the halls for 1 hour to try to get things moving. This little man was pretty stubborn (although I like to think he was just comfortable in there), and still at 1cm dilated, they started Pitocin to induce contractions. Then the real fun began. After 24 hours of labor, I was finally able to start pushing. Again, the little guy held his ground and because of his position (face up), after 3 hours of pushing, it was just too difficult to get him out the natural way. 26+ hours of labor and surgery for cesarean, little Jack made his entrance into the world on 8/31/14 at 3:39AM, weighing 6lbs 15 oz and 19 3/4" long. Saying that we were ecstatic to meet him is an understatement. He is simply perfect and be warned... way too many pictures are coming your way. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

1 Month To Go

8/4/14 - 36 weeks

It is hard to believe we only have 1 month to go until our due date. We have been busy finishing with final preparations in the nursery, gathering a collection of diapers, and packing bags for the hospital. We recently took a tour of the hospital birthing center - uncertain if that was helpful, or made us more fearful and anxious of the whole process.  Below is a belly picture from around 36 weeks and a few of the nursery preparations. We are almost ready for you, Baby Wieme :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Baby, Oh Baby

7/10/14 -- 32 weeks

Our 32 week appointment went well with a healthy, growing baby. As mama gets more and more uncomfortable, baby continues to stretch, grow, kick, and flip. It seems everyone we see asks the same questions: 
 -- "When are you due?"
-- "Girl or boy?"  
     --> Followed by either "Good for you!" or "Oh my gosh, how can you not know?!"
-- Dana's patients from week to week state, "You seem to get bigger each time I see you!"
-- And, "Is this your first child?" 
     --> Followed by, "you're going to love it!"

We count our blessings every day that God has given us this baby and we are so looking forward to meeting our little one :) No matter how scared or anxious we get at times. 

32 weeks also brought along a baby shower put on by the Scheppmann Family. We got so many nice things for baby and feel a lot more prepared! Thank you to our families and friends who came to help us celebrate Baby Wieme. Dana's sister Sara was nice enough to snap a few pictures for us:

Adorable diaper cake
Friends from Fairmont High School 

Sister Sara and her baby girl, Lauren

St Ben's friends