8/31/14 -- Welcome to the world Jack Michael Wieme
After a nice dinner date with Alex on Friday night (8/29/14), my water broke at home around 12:45AM. We arrived at the hospital around 1:30AM and were admitted. Because I was not having contractions, they had us walk the halls for 1 hour to try to get things moving. This little man was pretty stubborn (although I like to think he was just comfortable in there), and still at 1cm dilated, they started Pitocin to induce contractions. Then the real fun began. After 24 hours of labor, I was finally able to start pushing. Again, the little guy held his ground and because of his position (face up), after 3 hours of pushing, it was just too difficult to get him out the natural way. 26+ hours of labor and surgery for cesarean, little Jack made his entrance into the world on 8/31/14 at 3:39AM, weighing 6lbs 15 oz and 19 3/4" long. Saying that we were ecstatic to meet him is an understatement. He is simply perfect and be warned... way too many pictures are coming your way.